Every Spring San Antonio comes alive with their annual festival Fiesta. What began as a simple parade that first occurred over a century ago has blossomed into a city wide cultural celebration consisting of more than one hundred unique events. I look forward to Viva Botanica all year, so I was excited to create a campaign that would fully express the freshness and festivity experienced by each visitor walking through the garden gates.

I wanted my primary advertisement channels (posters and outdoor banners) to be truly eye-catching, so I paired a vivid color palette with bold floral illustrations to help garner as much attention as possible.

This event attracts people of all ages and backgrounds, but has a particular draw as a family-friendly event. Because of this, I decided to hand letter all of the text in my designs in order to effectively promote a sense of youthful exuberance.

No Fiesta event would be complete without a personalized pin, so I designed a unique Viva Botanica commemorative pin comprised of the 2021 event specific lettering and illustrations. I also created and a number of souvenir garden gift shop retail items to appeal to visitors interested in bringing home even more special momentos.